Black Holes have been
Let us consider an example how a black hole is formed. On the stars nuclear fusion of four hydrogen atom to form a helium atom goes on continuously. Slowly in the later time when the gases i.e. fuel goes on decreasing on a star the star approaches its death. A stage comes when the fuel over it completely depletes. This is the time when gravitational force wins and the star shrinks to a high density ball. Ratio of the radius is just like earth compared to a football. According to the formula of escape velocity
Vesc = square root of (GM/R)
M stands for mass of star
R for radius of star
Now refer the table and see the effect on escape velocity.
Class | Mass | Size |
Supermassive black hole | ~105–109 times MSun | ~0.001-10 AU |
Intermediate-mass black hole | ~103 times MSun | ~103 km = radius of earth |
Stellar black hole | ~10 times MSun | ~30 km |
Micro black hole | up to ~MMoon | Up to ~0.1 mm |
See this, the escape velocity becomes greater than even the highest speed limit i.e. velocity of light. This means even light cannot escape a black hole.
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